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Instructions for Use

Instructions for use

Carefully read the instructions for use enclosed in the package! The maximum daily use of Elena Bellucci contact lenses is 12 hours. Elena Bellucci contact lenses are medical devices. Make sure you have carefully read and understood the instructions for use before use.  


Before use

Before contact with the contact lenses, make sure you wash your hands and dry them carefully with a lint-free towel. Basically, you should only touch the contact lenses with your fingertips and avoid contact with fingernails or sharp objects. Before inserting contact lenses, they should always be kept clean, moist and undamaged.



Inserting contact lenses

Step 1:
The contact lens should be cleaned and rinsed with a multifunction solution for soft contact lenses.


Step 2:
For each eye, make sure the contact lens is clean, right-side-up and intact when placing it on the tip of your middle or ring finger, your dominant hand. For right-handers, this is usually the right hand.


Step 3:
Pull your lower eyelid with your middle or ring finger using the same hand you used in step 2, and use your free hand to hold your upper eyelid firmly open. Now look at the contact lens or in a mirror while placing the contact lens on your cornea (the large colored circle of your eye). Do not close your eye while doing this.


Step 4:
Now release your eyelids. If air bubbles form between your cornea and the contact lens, close your eye and gently circle your eyelid with a finger.


Step 5:
Repeat step 1 through step 4 for the other eye.


Place the contact lens on your index finger


Look up and hold your eyelids tight


Slide the lens into position


Blink to allow the contact lens to align


The contact lens is inserted

Removing contact lenses


Step 1:

Look up.


Step 2:

Using your middle finder, pull the lower lid down further.

Step 3:

Use the tip of your index finger to move the contact lens to the lower half of your eye.


Step 4:

Finally, gently grasp your index finger and thumb and remove the contact lens from your eye.


When doing this, do not damage the contact lens by squeezing too tightly or anything similar.


Step 5:

Repeat step 1 to step 4 for the other eye.


Open the eye


Slide the contact lens down


Grasp the contact lens with two fingers


Hold contact lens with two fingers


You removed the contact lens

Disposal of contact lenses

A special method of disposal for contact lenses is not necessary. Contact lenses should be disposed of in a trash can after use.



Care of contact lenses

For thorough cleaning, place the contact lens on your palm and add two to three drops of Elena Bellucci CLEANAQUA Premium and slowly and carefully rub the contact lenses in circular motions, using a fingertip of the other hand.

For cleaning, disinfecting and storing contact lenses, always use fresh and clean contact lens care products. This also applies to the designated storage case.

The storage case should be rinsed with Elena Bellucci CLEANAQUA Premium (not tap water) and left open to dry.



The contact lens is inserted


Wash your hands before cleaning


Put the contact lens on your hand


Always use multifunction solution - never tap water


Rub the contact lens in multifunctional solution in your hand


Storage only in multifunctional solution


Failure to follow the wearing times and cleaning procedures recommended by your contact lens specialist may result in an increased risk of serious eye infections. Remove contact lenses before you sleep and dispose of lenses after the recommended replacement interval. Do not change the care system without first consulting a contact lens specialist. DO NOT wear the contact lenses if you suffer from the following conditions:

- Allergy, inflammation, infection or redness in or around the eye.

- Dry eyes (insufficient tear fluid).

- Poor health condition that affects the eyes, such as a cold or flu

- Systemic illness that affects the eyes.


Consult your contact lens specialist before wearing contact lenses in the following situations:

- Any contact with water, which includes showering, swimming or participating in water sports

- Staying in extremely dry or dusty environments

- Use of eye medication

- Some occupations require you to wear eye protection or prevent you from wearing contact lenses. If you experience any of the following problems, remove your lenses from your eye immediately:

- Stinging, burning, itching, irritation, other pain in the eye

- Decreased comfort compared to previous wear

- Unusual secretion or excessive tearing of the eyes

- Redness of the eyes

- Extremely or persistently dry eyes

- Limited or blurred vision

- Rainbows or halos around light sources

- Sensitivity to light

Remove contact lenses immediately if problems occur and consult a contact lens specialist immediately. Even mild discomfort can be an early sign of serious complications. Immediate treatment can significantly counteract potential problems


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